Measurement request

If you would like to speed up the installation of new security or fire resistant doors, feel free to contact us and request a measurement survey and technical solution for your new front door.

    Ime i prezime*

    Telefon ili mobitel


    Adresa (Ulica i kućni broj, grad)*

    Vrsta proizvoda*

    Količina proizvoda*

    Dodatne napomene

    Priložite skicu ili sliku s unutrašnje i vanjske strane vrata (pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|gif)

    Slažem se i upoznat sam s uvjetima poslovanja te sigurnošću i zaštitom podataka

    We are committed to protecting the privacy of all our customers. We collect only the necessary user data. All user data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform services. We provide our partners (eg delivery services, suppliers) with only the necessary information necessary for the realization of their services. We never use the data collected in this way for promotional purposes. All our employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection. Read more about the collection and protection of personal data here.
